
The value of mentoring in a contact centre

Written by Izzie Blane | Jan 18, 2023 4:45:41 PM

January is National Mentoring Month. At The Consumer Helpline, we know that mentoring staff is essential to help them grow and develop their skills and confidence in order to reach their goals. We are lucky to have many great mentors within our teams, so to highlight their fantastic work, we asked each member of staff to nominate someone that they feel has been a great mentor to them. 

In no particular order:

  • Dobir Ahmed: 
    • "He is always happy and willing to help me, as I'm new to the role, he is always in a good mood and has a wide knowledge of the product."
  • Simon Anderson: 
    • "Simon is a fantastic mentor. Professionally since joining Quality he has taken time to develop me to be a better agent helping me get better at how I work. He has been more than a manager as I had a lot of outside-of-work stresses he has been amazing in helping me stay on track. Overall I cannot ask for a better mentor and manager"
  • Georgia Cornwell 
    • "Because she’s funny she makes me laugh she’s a good person who always thinks of others and helps everyone"
  • Hannah Davies
    • "Hannah has always been there to listen to my personal or work problems, she has a positive attitude no matter what the situation is and is always motivating everyone to the best of their ability. Hannah is always there for everyone and can have a laugh with them. With everything that Hannah has done for everyone, she deserves to the recognised for her hard work.
  • Jake Dodden
    • "In my opinion, a mentor is a person who supports you in all difficult situations and is always there for you. I'm very happy with Jake as he is funny and informative at the same time. I always find him very supportive in any situation."
  • Zac Francis Stock 
    • "Over the last few months, he's really come out of his shell, keeps wanting to learn more and uses that knowledge to help not only the team but others as well. He's also committed to the group and tries his best every day to do as much as possible, all whilst keeping a smile on his face and making everyone around him laugh. He's also not afraid to make a fool of himself and do his share of the work."
    • "He has helped me multiple times with tickets and he's a good laugh. He's a great boss and always tries to get everyone involved and you manage to find a way to push us without being mean. He's just a nice person to work under." 
    • "Zac is knowledgeable and very helpful to fellow employees. He has helped me with everything from learning how to do my job effectively to helping me feel comfortable at the office. His involvement contributed to my positive experience at TCH. I am very thankful to have Zac as part of my team."
    • "He is always so friendly and always so professional and helpful, I believe he is a real asset to this company and the team and a true team player."
    • "He has been helpful with helping when I have needed it and also for locating the correct information I needed for a customer"
  • Pete Gillet
    • "Pete’s professionalism and need to understand processes have coached and mentored me to be a more effective manager."
  • Sham Hashan:
    • "He has helped me massively when I have been unsure about things and helped me settle into the team and now I feel like I have been here forever"
  • Megan Hill:
    • "Not only is she a nice and easy going person but as I am a new CS Agent, Megan has helped in settling into the work scene and with her experience as an agent, she makes the job easy for me by answering my quick queries and questions. Because of her guidance, I got a good review on TrustPilot!"
  • Abii Holley:
    • I've found a very kind and fair person in Abii, she has helped me when I had doubts and uncertainty in the company. She has been everything you could want and expect from someone in her post, and she has helped me progress my own role from agent to TL. All of this has been done with care and understanding, an amazing lady all round"
    • "I was fortunate to find a mentor who provided meaningful direction and guidance during my time at TCH as a campaign manager. But mentorship is not just about being told what to do and in this instant getting advice about one difficult decision. With the advice I was given, it allowed me to open up and become a much better manager."
  • Gareth Jones:
    • "Gareth has always supported me and been there for me to talk to when I have needed something. He put me forward for the role as a TL & has continuously supported me throughout ensuring I know there is help around whenever I need it. He has the ability to keep me in a positive frame of mind, motivating me to achieve beyond my known ability."
    • "Since the first day I started, he has always been someone I could go to for any issues, inside or outside of work. He believed in me from day one, encouraged my application for Team Leader, and has been there for me every day since. In recent times, he has been the perfect amount of stern, fair and understanding, encouraging my ability to flourish and getting the very best out of me. While there is a long way to go in my personal development, I am confident that with Gareth to look up to my full potential can be achieved."
    • "Gareth is a brilliant mentor. He has really pushed me in the direction to further my career. Since starting in this company, he has taught me by pushing me out of my comfort zone to gain confidence in my role. My goal is to become a team leader and Gareth has side by side shown me the ropes and what I need to do to get there. I have learnt a lot of things from him, and I believe he has made me a better asset to the company and a better person. I now have the confidence and belief that I can go further in my role and Gareth has played a big part in helping me get there"
  • Sarah Johnson-Richards:
    • She has not only helped me through training with quality and guidance but also as a person whom I could confide in with personal issues and get support. Her door has always been open and has always given her time to help regardless of other constraints.
  • Stela Kurinova
    • "Because when I’m sad she is the one who helps me cheer up and I think it's important you have a safe person at work"
  • Chloe Lewis:
    • "She always gives credit when it is due, she always tries to motivate us and has helped impact our team's current success. she is easy to get on with and is very outgoing and she has a great career ahead of her which in turn will help the people around her"
    • "Chloe has always helped and still helping me when I need"
    • "Whenever I go to her, without any hesitation, she'll happily help me. Sometimes she even follows up on whether the issue is resolved or not. If she's unsure of the issue, she would message relevant people on teams to get it resolved. I have learned a lot from her, I think because of her guidance, I rarely get doubts now."
    • "To me, a mentor is someone who not just teaches you something, but someone who makes you believe you can do it. Someone who motivates you to do the best job you can. And someone who pushes you to challenge new obstacles. For those reasons I want to nominate Chloe Lewis for National Mentor Day as she has helped turn me into the agent I am today and has helped push me towards my goals and future aspirations."
  • Daren Lowe
    • "He's been selfless and supportive"
    • "He has always shown the patience and resolve to teach me everything I need to be successful"
  • Steph Morgan:
    • She is always generous with her time and goes the extra distance to support me and her staff
    • "Steph is highly knowledgeable and is keen to use her skills and expertise to help the team "
  • Caroline Morris:
    • "Since starting at TCH she has supported me by being my go-to for a chat/debrief when I have struggled with the job role. She has been there when I have had any questions regarding day-to-day activities without it ever being a problem."
    • "I wouldn't be the same without her so feel like she needs to be recognised for this."
  • Adam Myles:
    • "He has been supporting me ever since I started, encouraging me to progress and building my confidence so I feel like I can. I feel like I can go to him about any issue I'm having, and he will always be happy to listen, and do his utmost to help me find a solution."
  • Dai Phipps:
    • "Dai has always had my best interest in mind, he allows me to follow my interests while working towards shared goals within our department. He’s encouraging but always guides me to recognise where I can improve with a constructive approach. Encouraging his team is never a chore, even when he has a thousand things on his plate, you can truly tell that he cares about where you are in your development. Dai has helped me to break out of what I thought I was capable of, and to strive for what he believes I can achieve. You can tell he really appreciates the hard work you put in – which makes a massive difference when you’re in the thick of it."
  • Jack Pittam
    • "No matter how big or small the issue or problem, he has always been there to help me. He has never made me feel stupid for asking and has always been supportive and kind."
  • Jay Saunders
    • "I feel comfortable approaching him for help and feel that you have helped me to feel at ease in the office"
    • "Jay has been very welcoming since I've joined. He always made sure I felt comfortable with the work and explained everything clearly. He has helped me with calls and made work more enjoyable."
  • Kassey Simmons
    • "She has always helped and still helps me when I need"
    • "She is the greatest mentor I could ever ask for. She is very kind, friendly, understanding and confident. Sometimes I feel my doubts are silly, but she won't hesitate to answer them. She has always guided me through the Payment, Debt, Billing queries and many more. The way she handles the queries really inspires me."
  • Harry Stone
    • "He always takes time out to help me with the booking system, which I still have some problems with now and again when adding new customers. He always takes the time to help if needed even if I don't ask for it, which is well appreciated"
    • "He is always positive and able to bounce back even when he is having a bad day himself. he gives a boost to the whole team and brings the Positive Mental Attitude!"
  • Malik Thomas
    • "Because he has always helped me get through the day whether it be the work or in general"
  • Keri Elise Wood
    • "She was super helpful when I was new and always willing to lend a hand. She also always makes sure to call out other people's accomplishments in the group and encourages and supports her teammates"
    • "Keri's been a massive help since when I started to now. She's so knowledgeable! If anyone in the office deserves a shout-out it's Keri!"
    • "She's always there to help out whether it's a small query or a big one, she was especially helpful last week when I wasn't at my best"
  • Rohith Venkatachalpathy
    • "Every day he hits his target without a fail. He has an amazing work ethic and will challenge any tasks given to him which is a massive help for our Campaign to succeed in the daily targets. He is willing to help anyone and brings positive energy to the team"
  • Ellie Yates
    • "It's definitely Ellie Yates. She has helped me a lot since coming back into the role and has been helpful and supportive whilst I have been going through a difficult time outside of work. Thank you very much Ellie for all that you do"
    • "Ellie Yates for having the patience of saints in these trying times and making these last few weeks fun."
    • "She's very understanding, makes sure to listen to how I feel" 
  • Chris Austin, Jack Pittam, and Garwey Kwang
    • all are very helpful and willing to help. They also keep morale high which is a nice touch! 
  • Hannah Davies and Caroline Morris:
    • "I would like to nominate Hannah and Caroline; they have supported me through everything. They have made sure that when I’m not feeling myself that I am ok and happy. They always find ways to help, and they bounce off of each other. They helped me do everything that I needed to do to get the ATL role and supported me in every way possible. These are 2 people that I believe anyone could talk to and feel comfortable with and I am glad they are my team leaders."


We are proud to have such supportive and caring people working for us. The environment that is created by this network is what helps us to create a safe but fun and productive workplace.